Campbell Salgado Studio

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Retouching Job Opens Up

Did you know we try to keep as much of our production not only locally sourced but in-house as well?

Now our tried and true, best-ever, production gal Kelly is leaving our Campbell Salgado Studio in pursuit of a new role...motherhood. She leaves some pretty big shoes to fill in our production department. So we are keeping our ears to the ground for a good potential fit.

About 6-8 hours per week. Flexible schedule. Photoshop skills required. Experienced on Apple computers. Retouch and design experience is a plus and puts you at the top of the heap for further inspection.

We'll be doing interviews at the end of the month.  If you are interested send your resume with a cover letter in pdf form to studio(at)campbellsalgado(dot)com subject line: retouch position. Only technically savvy need apply.

View craigs list posting for all the details here.