Campbell Salgado Studio

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Baby's First Milestones

Having photographed families for over thirteen years, Francisco and I have developed some thoughts about documenting the many milestones of families. The first year of a baby’s life is really phenomenal when you document all the changes a child goes through during that first twelve months. Our recommendations for documenting this journey…

Pregnancy – Capture the excitement of your expectancy, the beauty of your body and the love for your unborn child with pregnancy photos. Marking this important beginning in your family will create a visible memory for your child.

Newborn – The first month of life is unmatched in beauty and innocence. Your baby’s eyes will never be filled with more wonder. Her tiny hand wrapped around Daddy’s finger, his wrinkly foot between older siblings’, and a tender snuggle with the whole family will create moments you will want to savor over and over!

Two to four months – Your child begins to fill out and everyone is guessing: does he look like mom or dad? You will be so proud as your baby is now able to support her head while lying on her tummy or looking up from your shoulder. And the smiles have begun!

Five to seven months – With a gummy smile and an easy laugh, this is not a time to miss! Your baby may begin sitting up or scooting onto hands and knees. This is really the time when your child will look like the quintessential baby.

Eight to eleven months – He is on the move! This session will capture movement and curiosity. Your baby will be interested in exploring objects and playing games like peek-a-boo.

One year – First birthday! Be sure to preserve this time of celebration and accomplishment with a special photo. Pulling up on furniture and tentative first steps are some of the hallmarks of this age. There will never be another birthday quite like this one.

At Campbell Salgado, we offer The Baby’s Club Membership, designed for clients committed to documenting the remarkable first year of their child’s life, from before birth to year one. In some cases, discounts through the Baby’s Club program can approach 75% off of our regular session pricing. Ask Leah or Allie how you can take advantage of this opportunity.